Hi! Welcome to Pakistani Music Site. This will be the only bookmark you'll ever need for a music site. To start with, we have a huge, huge collection of Pakistani, USA & Hindi Songs in real audio Mp3 & Zip formats . To enjoy this site, you'll need a FREE real player ( click on the link given below, if you dont have one yet ).
You can NOT surf the web any more without seeing the word "MP3" anywhere.  If you don't know what it is... then you are missing out on a LOT.  Think about it.. a way of storing CD quality sound in a file which is ONLY around 5 Megs.  And you can listen to them just by downloading an MP3 player... ITS FREE!! .. and then you can find songs on the Web which are free too...

Well.. I've decided to make my own MP3's.. and I've got Pakistani, and Indian MP3's.  I will be adding more songs as time goes on.


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Required to play any Streaming MUSIC or MOVIES on this Website, You NEED to download REALPLAYER.   Its offered FREE.







Music from the modern age can be heard by simply choosing the desired song from the list that appears on each artiste individual Section .
Provided below is a list of artiste names. Simply select the artiste whose songs you would like to listen to.

C l a s s i c a l




More Pakistani Songs Indian Songs Here

Shah's Movies Hit's

Ghazals Classical


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Songs are sorted by popularity. Instant Play and Radio versions require Windows Media Player or Real Player.





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